Karen Cooper

Grinnell, IA


Karen was born and raised in Nebraska, and then moved across the river to live in Iowa. 

From 2013 thru 2018, Karen lived in Lipetsk, Russia - long enough for the power and beauty of Russian impressionist art to make a potent impact. Study with a talented figurative artist while in Lipetsk, increased the desire/need to draw with substance and clarity, as part of the painting process.

Karen has now returned to live, and paint in Grinnell, Iowa.

Iowa City In Paint


I began plein air painting 11 years ago while living in Russia - my Russian mentor told me my

painting needed to go outdoors to learn the light! Since returning to live in the US, in 2018, I

have focused on increasing my plein air capabilities.


My painter’s eye has a tendency to gravitate toward the street scene, a cafe scene, a weird little architectural structure, and every now and then a vehicle.


Plein air painting competitions have taught me that painting in one locale for an extended time is a terrific way to see a community and its neighborhoods!


In 2020, I painted 60+ paintings of Okoboji and Arnolds park, and then followed that with a

summer’s worth of painting my home town, Grinnell, in 2022. With the charm of Iowa City, and U of Iowa, it’s always been a goal to explore this town with paint too!


As my work matures, I find it important and necessary to NOT paint safe - but rather to see the challenge, accept it, and give it my best shot.  And yet still, the bottom line: the painting must be a thing of substance and solidity and interest and beauty.